Shreyas Daniel Gaddam

Machine Learning Engineer and Researcher


Hello 👋

I'm a final year undergrad pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering from India. I'm a Kaggle Notebooks expert, currently ranked under 1000 globally. I'm inclined towards Natural Language Processing and Multimodal research. I also like to explore & build model architectures from scratch.

I am open to work in a full-time applied ML or research role.

💼️ I'm currently a Junior Machine Learning Engineer Intern working on federated-split learning applications for bio-medical datasets consisting of X-Rays and 3D MRIs.

Frameworks & Libraries

🔥 PyTorch
🤗️ Transformers
📊️ Scikit-Learn
⚡ Lightning
📈️ WandB

My recent GitHub projects


Training a transformer for multilingual translation from scratch. Translates English to Hindi or Telugu. Trained on the Opus100 dataset for learning purposes.


Transformers Pre-Training with MLM objective — implemented encoder-only model and trained from scratch on Wikipedia dataset.


Combining ViT and GPT-2 for image captioning. Trained on MS-COCO. The model was implemented mostly from scratch.


monocular depth estimation using UNet-style architecture trained on NYUv2 depth dataset


2D object detection for KITTI dataset finetuned using Ultralytics YOLOv8


building various transformer model architectures and its modules from scratch.

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. Psalm 32:8

an image of my dog Sumo when he was a month old.

my dog Sumo when he was a month old :)